Tuesday, May 12, 2020

A Living Stuffed With Miracles - If Only You Belie

This article begins a series about what A Course in Miracles (ACIM) means when it speaks of the "miracle" and the "mind." Many students can cite definitions from the Course, understanding the non-dualistic meaning within the knowledge of dualism does take time to master and apply. It is only with the gentle guidance of the Holy Spirit that individuals can achieve this unlearning-learning process. Correction is just in your head of the perceiver and not through forms as true choice is between listening two voices: God or the ego. Claims to be of a "miracle mind" is really the ego, forgiveness-to-destroy and spiritual specialness. The ego speaks first and the loudest. Love is quiet; and love is expressed in this world through right-minded forgiveness.    a course in miracles lessons

Spiritual specialness is from the unconscious arrogance of the ego wrong mind which believes it's in competition with God. Since we're yet, we're actually competing with everyone all the time until we learn this lesson. All conflict arises from the thought of competition. Spiritual specialness makes some relationships holy and others not since the ego's agenda is that we don't understand that the reason given anything is in the mind from choosing with God or the ego. To get back our decision making ability is the point of the Course.

The ego's voice, which we mistakenly believe may be the Holy Spirit, contains no humility nor dependence on God. Rather, it's the voice if you are self-created, i.e., the authority problem. Most of us have confusion regarding the writer of our existence (ego or God) and the difference between form (illusion) and content (mind where correction take place). To be miracle-minded, we can not be in conflict on any level for the right-mind itself is conflict-free. There's a distinction between right-miracle-minded and the miracle mind of the ego.

We've no honesty whenever we use spiritual specialness once we are saying we're more holy, more chosen by God than another. This is a defense against the alternative and we will be discussing this subject in greater depth in subsequent article. Being more chosen is the antithesis of the Course's message.

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